Do not run your tests in Continuous Integration with the root user

#ci #jenkins #root #docker

I was working recently on diagnosing unexpected tests failures that were only happening on our brand new Jenkins environment, and weren’t happening on the previous one. To provide some context, we now run a majority of things in one shot Docker containers, and that helped reveal an interested issue.

The offending code

We have a test to check our code behaviour if a file we need to backup is readable or not. It was roughly like the following:

// given
final File demo = File.createTempFile("demo", "");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(demo);
fos.write("saaluuuut nounou".getBytes());

// when

// then (try to back it up, it should fail)
byte[] read = new byte[10];

new FileInputStream(demo).read(read);
System.out.println("Can I happily read that file? " + new String(read));

And weirdly enough, this test was failing. By that I mean, there was no failure for the code above…​ [1]

The reason

We were running those tests on a shiny new infrastructure, and using wrong Docker images using root user as the default. For instance, if you use a base image like openjdk or basically any base image, you will hit this issue.

The thing is, when you are root, a bunch of things is not true anymore…​ For instance, permissions…​

If you don’t read Java, here’s a shell port of the Java code above:

$ echo hello > demo
$ chmod a-r demo
$ cat demo
cat: demo: Permission denied

But then replace the cat above by sudo cat:

$ sudo cat demo

I for one was slightly surprised root does not honor permissions at all. Had I been given a quiz about this, I would probably have thought that being root would still prevent you from reading it (but being root would allow you to call again chmod at will to set what you need), but that’s how it is.

Most of the Docker base images run the root user by default. This is often for good reason: you are likely to use openjdk:8 for instance and need to install additional things. But you must go the extra mile and switch to a normal user, using the USER instruction (either after having created one, or using a present one like nobody or something that suits your needs).

But running as root in a Docker container is OK right?

There has been articles out there explaining better than me why it’s not. Reducing attack surface, etc.

In my opinion, I hope this article shows this is clearly not the case, even for things like Continuous Integration/testing where one may think this is a special situation, hence acceptable exception.

Some people might argue that this is not the same situation anymore with the advent of the user namespace. I will answer that though this is definitely a huge improvement, this does not change anything to the statement above.

Indeed, you will still be root in the container, and your code will NOT fail as it should for that kind of case (another example if need be: you would be allowed to use ports < 1024, when you should not). And in the case of CI, you take the risk to miss corner cases because your CI environment will not be as close as possible to the production one. And for pretty obvious reasons, well you want your tests to be run in something close to the production…​


I think we can say it is a very common and accepted practice that running a server using the root user is a bad idea. It is the same thing in Docker, for many reasons, and hopefully the examples given above will confirm it. At least it was a lesson for me, and I’ll be very cautious about it from now on.

So, if you care about your tests, and their ability to monitor and reveal issues and regressions, do NOT run your CI with the root user.

1. If you don’t read Java, in that code sample I put some text in a file, remove the read permission on it, then try to read it again. The expected behaviour is that it should fail (Permission Denied). In real life, we have that test to assert our error message is understandable by humans in that situation :-).
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