Do not run your tests in Continuous Integration with the root user

I was working recently on diagnosing unexpected tests failures that were only happening on our brand new Jenkins environment, and weren’t happening on the previous one. To provide some context, we now run a majority of things in one shot Docker containers, and that helped reveal an interested issue.

The offending code

We have a test to check our code behaviour if a file we need to backup is readable or not. It was roughly like the following:

// given
final File demo = File.createTempFile("demo", "");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(demo);
fos.write("saaluuuut nounou".getBytes());

// when

// then (try to back it up, it should fail)
byte[] read = new byte[10];

new FileInputStream(demo).read(read);
System.out.println("Can I happily read that file? " + new String(read));

And weirdly enough, this test was failing. By that I mean, there was no failure for the code above…​ [1]

The reason

We were running those tests on a shiny new infrastructure, and using wrong Docker images using root user as the default. For instance, if you use a base image like openjdk or basically any base image, you will hit this issue.

The thing is, when you are root, a bunch of things is not true anymore…​ For instance, permissions…​

If you don’t read Java, here’s a shell port of the Java code above:

$ echo hello > demo
$ chmod a-r demo
$ cat demo
cat: demo: Permission denied

But then replace the cat above by sudo cat:

$ sudo cat demo

I for one was slightly surprised root does not honor permissions at all. Had I been given a quiz about this, I would probably have thought that being root would still prevent you from reading it (but being root would allow you to call again chmod at will to set what you need), but that’s how it is.

Most of the Docker base images run the root user by default. This is often for good reason: you are likely to use openjdk:8 for instance and need to install additional things. But you must go the extra mile and switch to a normal user, using the USER instruction (either after having created one, or using a present one like nobody or something that suits your needs).

But running as root in a Docker container is OK right?

There has been articles out there explaining better than me why it’s not. Reducing attack surface, etc.

In my opinion, I hope this article shows this is clearly not the case, even for things like Continuous Integration/testing where one may think this is a special situation, hence acceptable exception.

Some people might argue that this is not the same situation anymore with the advent of the user namespace. I will answer that though this is definitely a huge improvement, this does not change anything to the statement above.

Indeed, you will still be root in the container, and your code will NOT fail as it should for that kind of case (another example if need be: you would be allowed to use ports < 1024, when you should not). And in the case of CI, you take the risk to miss corner cases because your CI environment will not be as close as possible to the production one. And for pretty obvious reasons, well you want your tests to be run in something close to the production…​


I think we can say it is a very common and accepted practice that running a server using the root user is a bad idea. It is the same thing in Docker, for many reasons, and hopefully the examples given above will confirm it. At least it was a lesson for me, and I’ll be very cautious about it from now on.

So, if you care about your tests, and their ability to monitor and reveal issues and regressions, do NOT run your CI with the root user.

1. If you don’t read Java, in that code sample I put some text in a file, remove the read permission on it, then try to read it again. The expected behaviour is that it should fail (Permission Denied). In real life, we have that test to assert our error message is understandable by humans in that situation :-).

How to connect to a Windows AWS instance from Linux

Working on validating the new Java 8 baseline of Jenkins, I needed some Windows environment to analyze some tests failure only happening there. So, I went ahead to create an instance in Amazon Web Services to connect it to a Jenkins test instance.

It is actually pretty simple, but I thought I would explain it quickly here because it might help some people (like me next time) to save some minutes.

Launching your instance

It is out of scope here as it has nothing specific to our current use case. Just create an instance. I am using the Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base - ami-45e3ec52 for that article.

The only important thing is to make sure to keep the selected .pem file handy. It will be necessary to retrieve the Administrator password once the instance is created.

Your instance is now running.

Connect to it

  • In the UI, right-click on the instance, then click Connect.

connect to instance
  • Copy the Public DNS field value

  • Open a command-line and connect using the rdesktop command:

$ rdesktop
Autoselected keyboard map fr
Connection established using SSL.
WARNING: Remote desktop does not support colour depth 24; falling back to 16

This should quite slowly finally show the following screen:

windows login
  • On the AWS Connect To Your Instance dialog open previously, click on the Get Password button.

  • Select the .pem file discussed above. pem selected

  • and click Decrypt Password. You should now see the plain-text value of the password to connect to the instance. decrypted

I don’t know if this is specific to my environment, but if you’re lucky enough like me, copy-paste will not work. So I had to manually copy paste the value…​ Cumbersome with that password length.
  • Type Administrator and the password above on the logon screen. connected

Hope this helps!

Always enable GC logs, and how to enable logs rotation with HotSpot

Having had recently to refresh my memories and play with some new things about GC logging, I thought that ought to be a good opportunity to dig a bit on it, especially on log rotation.

Reminder: Always enable GC logging in production

If you run a production server, and you don’t have GC logs enabled, DO IT NOW. Really, it could save your ass.

It is unnoticeable in terms of performance impact, and is invaluable if you need to diagnose some performance issue. It was a bit of a mess with HotSpot many years ago, since log rotation was not available. But now it’s been added for quite a long time, there is no excuse anymore.

OK, but I don’t know how to do that.

Then great, read below, this is the point of this article.

GC Logging: WAT?

The Garbage Collector is that thing that is going to go after you, and try to find unreferenced objects to clean up your work.

That cleanup can be done using a lot of different strategies. It’s even pluggable in the JVM. So many are in use in the field. They are called Serial, Parallel, Concurrent-Mark-Sweep aka CMS, Garbage First aka G1, and so on.

Explaining each one of those strategies is way out the scope of that article. There is already a bunch of articles about them out there, and each one can easily require a whole article.

Still, knowing what the GC has been doing on a particular setup is essential for issue analysis and decision making.

The GC logs are non-standard outputs, depending on each strategy implementation, telling for example what was the previous available memory, what was freed, how much, and so on.

GC Log File Rotation

Now that you know you must always enable GC logging, the obvious way to do it is to use the options to output those logs into files. The historical way to do that was simply to use -Xloggc:gc.log. Fortunately, for a few years now, since:

  • Java 6 Update 34

  • Java 7 Update 2 (but there is no reference to it in these release notes)

There is now a standard way to do it with HotSpot [1].


Here is the full set of options I recommend to set up GC logs and its rotation:

java -Xloggc:gc.log \
     -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps \
     -XX:GCLogFileSize=10m \
     -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 \
     -jar yourapplication.jar
I verified those switches using a 1.8.0_102-b14 and a 1.7.0_79-b15 JRE (though Java 7 has been EOLed for 18+ months already).

Some comments


As always, it will depend on your environment, but this value should be safe for an average setup. For example, on an actual Jenkins production server with Parallel GC I just had a look on, known to be overloaded and probably suffering from a memory leak, the file was ~23 MB and spanned over 4 days.

So, 10 MB should let you have a file for something between a few hours a few days, which is what you need.

What you want to avoid is to have a value too high, that a memory issue will quickly span over multiple files, or even rotate to the point you start overwriting valuable recent data.


Again, here you are free to keep more, but if you read above, you will have understood that, unless you wish to keep data for later analysis for weeks or months of running, 10 or so should be enough in general.


Though technically not needed, I prefer using that option to help humans analyze and correlate timestamps with events. It prefixes typical lines with a human readable timestamp (ISO-8601):

Example using Parallel GC, the default GC for servers setup [2]
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.102-b14) for linux-amd64 JRE (1.8.0_102-b14), built on Aug 25 2016 15:02:59 by "mockbuild" with gcc 6.1.1 20160621 (Red Hat 6.1.1-3)
Memory: 4k page, physical 16041916k(4476624k free), swap 8060924k(8060924k free)
CommandLine flags: -XX:GCLogFileSize=2097152 -XX:InitialHeapSize=256670656 -XX:MaxHeapSize=4106730496 -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:+UseParallelGC
0,066: [GC (Allocation Failure)  63488K->360K(241664K), 0,0016249 secs]
0,076: [GC (Allocation Failure)  63848K->392K(305152K), 0,0014354 secs]

Without it, the timestamp will only be a differential between the specified date at the beginning of the file and a gc event.

Same example, but with -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
2016-10-17T07:27:25.360+0200: 9,407: [GC (Allocation Failure)  1336596K->276K(1504768K), 0,0015237 secs
Example using Java 7 and the Garbage First GC (aka G1)
2016-10-17 07:39:33 GC log file created gc.log.4
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.79-b02) for linux-amd64 JRE (1.7.0_79-b15), built on Apr 10 2015 11:34:48 by "java_re" with gcc 4.3.0 20080428 (Red Hat 4.3.0-8)
Memory: 4k page, physical 16041916k(189872k free), swap 8060924k(8060800k free)
CommandLine flags: -XX:ConcGCThreads=2 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=1048576 -XX:GCLogFileSize=8192 -XX:InitialHeapSize=256670656 -XX:MaxHeapSize=4106730496 -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation
2016-10-17T07:39:33.985+0200: 37,868: [GC pause (young)-- 3917M->3917M(3918M), 0,0053580 secs]
2016-10-17T07:39:33.991+0200: 37,873: [Full GC 3917M->3718M(3918M), 2,6648930 secs]
2016-10-17T07:39:36.656+0200: 40,539: [GC concurrent-mark-abort]
2016-10-17T07:39:36.691+0200: 40,574: [GC pause (young)-- 3913M->3823M(3918M), 0,0076050 secs]
2016-10-17T07:39:36.712+0200: 40,595: [GC pause (young) (initial-mark)-- 3915M->3915M(3918M), 0,0104690 secs]
2016-10-17T07:39:36.722+0200: 40,605: [GC concurrent-root-region-scan-start]
2016-10-17T07:39:36.722+0200: 40,605: [GC concurrent-root-region-scan-end, 0,0000090 secs]
2016-10-17T07:39:36.722+0200: 40,605: [GC concurrent-mark-start]

A little unrelated note on GC tuning

To sum up: don’t do it. Unless you perfectly know what you do.

Fine-Tuning things up-front is like asking a virtuoso pianist to play with handcuffs.
— Kirk Pepperdine (from memories)

I have been very lucky to follow the famous "Java Performance Tuning" training with Kirk some years ago. He explained that nowadays the JVM has really become an impressive piece of engineering. Especially, it now contains many auto-adaptive algorithms. Fixing values like a pool size, the initial memory [3] and so on is likely to do more harm than good.

Unless it comes from actual testing, that is. Like GC logs analysis.

As always, you have to know what you’re doing and not blindly apply recipes, surprising isn’t it? :-)


  • GCEasy is a great online GC logs analyzer. I’m not affiliated with them, but really I’ve been impressed by what they do. Having used many tools like GCMV (each time a journey to find out ho to download and install it from IBM Website) in the past (what a mess to install each time), I’ve been dizzy with happiness finding such a cool online tool.

    • Unrelated, but very cool: they also do FastThread, an online Thread Dump Analyzer which I recommend too.

  • Sadly, I’m not referencing the (apparently) official HotSpot page about all that for now, since it contains at least TWO typos and it’s just wrong currently…​

1. And yes, it had been possible for 10+ years for IBM J9…​ That’s probably the only thing I liked about that JDK.
2. I would say unfortunately, since this GC is really unsuited for user-facing applications, and that is probably the most common scenario. That is likely the reason why Java 9 is planning on making G1 the new default GC strategy.
3. Did you already hear someone telling you to just set -Xms==-Xmx upfront for example?

New Adventure

I have always been a tooling fan. Early in my career, now more than 10 years ago, I realized how much I love writing things making my life easier.

Automation for the win!

Open Source

I have also always liked to be part of opensource communities. Sharing knowledge and helping others, learning a lot in the process. Participating in things like Hibernate documentation translation, Hibernate forum, Apache Maven mailing lists, MOJO @ CodeHaus (now MojoHaus) Continuum, Archiva, M2E, Sonar[Qube], Hudson, and…​ Jenkins.

After switching from Apache Continuum, I started using Jenkins around 2009 when it was named a bit differently. My first message on the users mailing list seems to date back to early 2010.

My first code contribution to Jenkins seems to date back to 2011, where I had to git bisect a weird issue we were probably only very few to have, as we were using IBM AIX at that time.

Later, I took over the maintenance of some others, like the Radiator View Plugin, Parameterized Scheduler Plugin and most importantly the Chuck Norris Plugin.

About 2 years ago, I started participating in the Jenkins Governance Meetings on IRC.

Full Time Jenkins!

All those years, I have been spending a fair amount of time on that project close to my heart. So, having the opportunity to work full-time in "a professional opensource company" on all-things-Jenkins is obviously something strongly motivating to me.

I am thrilled to say I will be joining CloudBees next August.

I am very proud to soon start working with so many great individuals, bringing my small contribution to smoothifying the software delivery process in our industry.

Follow me on @bmathus to get more updates if you are interested :-).

Why Managers Should Not Give Their Technical Opinion

A Good Manager Should Never Voice A Technical Opinion.

Wait, what? Why exclude them if they could be useful?

Management is too often badly considered. In my opinion, it’s because we actually rarely encounter good managers. You know, useful, inclusive, psychologist, able to catalyze work, and never get in the way, you have known plenty of them right?

Being a good manager is hard.

Like being a good developer.

It takes passion, time, experience, reading, and so many other things. And by trying to chase too many rabbits, you’re taking the risk to never even catch one.

But that manager is technically very good! She/he a lot of experience!

Fading thing

In IT, 2 years is a long time. 5 years is a life time. 10 years is eternity.

So, basically, that statement will become very rapidly obsolete. And if you’re being unlucky and that manager tries staying up-to-date, then he won’t spend that time on what he should (you know: caring about human, making the company a great place to work, tackling impediments, logistics).

As said above, being a good manager takes time. Reading a book on the latest technology trend will be more time taken from reading a book on human behaviours and becoming better at handling them…​

Not doing the job. Twice.

If, really, that manager is technically better than anyone in the team, well in my opinion, you then have far bigger organizational issues.

I’ll ask two questions:

  1. What the heck does she/he do in a manager’s position?

  2. Why is he/she spending time working on technical things, when her/his first work should then be to start hiring people better than her/him? Not doing so is putting the company in serious disarray.

HiPPO & the likes

If that manager spent more time reading things on human behaviours, she/he’d be aware that there’s many natural human deviances. One is that many people, especially introverts, will not dare voice their own opinion after the Highest Paid Person Opinion has been expressed. Even if the idea could have been better.

Said differently, if those managers hope their sayings are going to be judged not because of their power, but because of their technical validity, well they are wrong and working around that is difficult.

My Context

I’ve been willing to write that down for a while. It started as a guts feeling, then as time went by I think I found more arguments to articulate my thoughts. It’s still ongoing, but I felt it is now somewhat clear enough to propose it here and possibly get some feedback.

I am talking here about human managers of many teams. I mean the type of position where your role is (should be?) to provide your team members with context so that they know where the company is going (i.e. alignment!).

Even if that may apply to other areas, what I have in mind is IT. The domain I work in and hence know the best. I also have in mind a modern/Agile organization where the goal is more to make the company succeed than to respect any form of historical hierarchical establishment.

Roughly, in my mind, that kind of manager can exist for at least 20 people. Below that number is heading towards micro-management.

Wrap up

Being and staying a good one is going to take time.

That time being a finite resource, you cannot be good and up-to-date in all areas.

Upgrading Centos 7 Kernel to enable using Overlay with Docker


I wanted to use Overlay storage driver for our Docker hosts (see why devicemapper should be avoided in my opinion. ).

The issue is: Overlayfs support has been merged in the Linux Kernel in 3.18 and Centos 7 is currently using a 3.10 one .[1].

Upgrade your kernel

Hence, since this is not for a customer-facing production machine, I decided to upgrade the kernel.

The simplest way to do it is to use ELRepo and install the package called 'kernel-ml' (like in kernel mainline).


rpm --import
rpm -Uvh
yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml

Bonus: switch grub by command line before rebooting

If you use a remote VM like me, you may not have access to the grub UI when the machine reboots. And the thing is: Centos will by default use the previous kernel.

So, by default again, if you reboot without modifying it, you will stay on the same old kernel.

If you want your machine to use the newly installed one: execute the following command (it will select the first available kernel, which is the newly installed on centos by default)

grub2-set-default 0

To show the list of available kernels, you can verify that the new one is indeed the first:

$ awk -F\' '$1=="menuentry " {print $2}' /etc/grub2.cfg
CentOS Linux (4.1.6-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64) 7 (Core)
CentOS Linux (4.1.6-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64) 7 (Core) with debugging
CentOS Linux (3.10.0-229.7.2.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core)
CentOS Linux (3.10.0-229.7.2.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core) with debugging
CentOS Linux 7 (Core), with Linux 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64
CentOS Linux 7 (Core), with Linux 0-rescue-53ed95ad53094b469043c84aa868b827

Hope this helps!

1. Actually, that 3.10 kernel is not a vanilla one, it contains a lot of backported features. But the fact is that I had a lot of issues with RHEL 7.1. RHEL 7.2 is said to contain yet another bunch of backports for better Overlay support. But RHEL7.2 is still Beta currently and GA date is not yet announced.

Docker Storage Driver: Don't Use Devicemapper

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a system expert. What follows is more an aggregation of things I’ve tried and informations gathered on the Internet. I also wrote it to serve as a placeholder for myself. I make sure to provide many links so that you can make your own opinion. Please don’t hesitate to give feedback if you disagree with some statements below.

For some months now, we’ve started deploying more and more Docker services internally to progressively gather experiences.

After encountering a few issues, mainly related to storage, I’ve started to read a lot about the Docker Storage drivers.

Docker default behaviour (with DeviceMapper): Wrong

As much as I love Docker, some may find a pity that the default behaviour is NOT to be used in production (on a non-ubuntu host)!

Indeed, by default, here’s what Docker will choose as a storage driver:

  • AUFS

  • Devicemapper, in loopback mode

BUT, the thing is: though AUFS is apparently great for Docker (was used by DotCloud for their PaaS, before it became public), it’s not in the standard kernel. And is unlikely to be in the future.

For this reason, distributions like RedHat (which is upstream-first) chose to support devicemapper instead, in the so-called thin provisioning mode, aka thinp.

But by default, if AUFS is not found in the current kernel, Docker will fallback to the ubiquitous devicemapper driver. And for the default again, it will create loopback files. This is great for newcomers bootstrapping, but horrible from a least surprise principle perspective: since this mode MUST NOT be used in production.

So, I can use still Devicemapper, if I make sure to use thinp?

Short answer: no.

Longer one: many Docker knowledgeable people have publicly stated that you should prefer other ones. Many have even recommended that you default to using Overlay [1]:

@codinghorror more specifically we’ve never seen devmapper work reliably…​ Overlayfs support is pretty good now. Also zfs & btrfs.

Even Daniel J Walsh aka rhdan, working for RedHat has stated [2]:

Red Hat kernel engineers have been working hard on Overlayfs, (Perhaps others on the outside, but I am not familiar). We hope to turn it on for docker in rhel7.2 BUT […​]


Device Mapper is a complex subsystem

I can’t help thinking that this sentence may tell us more about the subject than his author was thinking. Complexity often being the reason software can not survive years? Might be.

Conclusion: if in doubt, use overlay

I’ve started converting the Docker hosts I work with from devicemapper to overlay. My first impressions are good and everything seems to be working as expected [3].

From all I’ve read, my current wager is that overlay will soon become the default driver. It has the pros of devmapper (no need to create a FS for one) apparently without much of its cons.

Only some specific use cases will still make people choose other drivers like btrfs or zfs. But as these require to create and size real FS to be used, they are unlikely to be used as widely.

Some references

1. Previously named Overlayfs, it has been renamed simply Overlay when it got merged in the Kernel
2. in a pull-request by RedHat’s Vincent Batts, one of the most active Docker committers not working for Docker Inc, about putting overlay as the default driver in place of Devicemapper. That may ring yet another bell to you. At least it did for me.
3. I’ve actually had issues with RedHat’s Docker 1.6.x but this disappeared when I upgraded the Fedora Atomic Host I was playing with to Docker 1.7.1

Why I think I failed as an architect

I was not actually planning to write that, more something about Docker.* these days. But that’s how it is.

I was listening to the Arrested Devops podcast — Episode 38 about Career Development, with Jeff Hackert.

For many reasons lately, I’ve been thinking about my career and what I wanted to do. By the way, I absolutely, positively recommend you listen to that episode (35 minutes, seriously it’s worth it).

The part that made me think about that article is when Jeff talked about making things you do visible. Providing context. Understanding people’s needs.

Architect Failure

Though I retrospectively think I should maybe have pushed sometimes some more evolved/involved solutions, I’m not actually talking about a technical failure.

No, I’m talking about human/social one.

To simplify a bit, the management decided to reorganize the development with dev teams on one side, and a separate architecture team.

Because I had earned technical respect from (at least some of) my coworkers, it went not so badly initially. Some teams were asking for reviews, or even for solutions for issues/requirements they had.

But for some people, developers and maybe even more managers, we were intruders. Not welcome.

What I did

Mainly, I think I stayed in my office way too much, and took that position for granted. Kind of the Ivory Tower issue (well, without the tone I hope. I’ve tried hard to not be condescending especially because of how much I despised self-said Architects who didn’t code).

I thought the requests were going to flow naturally. How wrong, and dumb, I was.

Don’t get me wrong. I was not hiding and playing video-games on my computer :-). I was actually working for some teams. But even those teams eventually didn’t even ask us for help, and worked us around.

What I should have done

I should have hanged out more with the teams (which is somehow ironic I didn’t when you know me). Go see them, ask them if they were needing help. Get involved with them. Simply be more empathetic. Let them know what we did, why, for whom, constantly. Make that publicly available.

I should also have refused to work on some subjects supposed to be useful in 1 or 2 years, without any actual need. How many hours I lost on useless PoCs, studies, that will never get used.

Wrap up

That made me realize something. Something that may be obvious to more experienced people: the fact that the current management structure, the current organization will NOT stay as-is forever. And that you should always strive to break barriers, reach out the people who do the actual work and help them, work with them.

This way, people will know you’re basically useful wherever you are, and whatever position you hold. And that might also transitively prove your team is useful.

If you don’t, then you’re dead. At the next shakeup, you’ll be wiped out. And you will have deserved it.

De l'intérêt de Docker pour tout développeur !

Dans l’article qui suit, je vais vous montrer comment j’ai récemment eu l’occasion d’utiliser Docker pour un cas concret.

La particularité ici est que cela était un cas utile à un travail de développement : cela n’avait pas pour but de faire tourner une application, simplement d’accéder à un environnement (via Docker, donc), de récupérer des informations, puis de jeter.

Pour ce cas, j’estime avoir gagné au bas mot plusieurs dizaines de minutes.

Le contexte

Alors que je travaillais sur une pull request pour le projet maven-scm, j’ai eu besoin pour les tests d’intégration d’une vieille version de Subversion (oui, j’utilise Git sinon :-)).

Plus précisément, j’avais besoin de pouvoir faire un checkout d’un dépôt SVN avec les métadonnées au format SVN 1.6.

Or, ma machine est à jour, et la version que j’ai en local est une récente 1.8.8…

Que faire ?

  • Rétrograder la version de ma machine ? Bof, pas trop envie de risquer de péter mon existant.
  • Une VM ? Où ? En local ? Pfiou, ça va être long… En IaaS ? Bof.

Mais dis-donc !

Docker à la rescousse

Au final, cette manipulation m’a pris maximum 5 minutes. Le plus long a été de trouver sur Google la version du paquet debian correspond à SVN 1.6 la bonne version de Debian (pour aller au plus simple, puisqu’on pourrait aussi prendre une version plus récente et tenter d’installer une version spécifique de SVN).

Sur, donc :

Paquet subversion
squeeze (oldstable) (vcs): Système de contrôle de version avancé 
1.6.12dfsg-7: amd64 armel i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc
wheezy (stable) (vcs): Système de contrôle de version avancé 
1.6.17dfsg-4+deb7u6: amd64 armel armhf i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390 s390x sparc
wheezy-backports (vcs): système de gestion de version évolué 
1.8.10-1~bpo70+1: amd64 armel armhf i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mipsel powerpc s390 s390x
jessie (testing) (vcs): système de gestion de version évolué 
1.8.10-2: amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel powerpc ppc64el s390x
sid (unstable) (vcs): système de gestion de version évolué 
1.8.10-2: alpha amd64 arm64 armel armhf hppa hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 ppc64el s390x x32 
1.8.8-2: sparc 
1.7.13-3 [debports]: sparc64 
1.6.17dfsg-3 [debports]: sh4

OK, on va donc partir sur une version stable.

$ sudo docker run --rm -it debian:stable /bin/bash
root@d2645d786f6e:/# apt-get update
root@d2645d786f6e:/# apt-get install subversion zip
root@d2645d786f6e:/# svn --version
svn, version 1.6.17 (r1128011)
   compiled Mar 12 2014, 02:44:28
root@d2645d786f6e:/# svn co -N
A    asf/pom.xml
A    asf/site-pom.xml
 U   asf
Checked out revision 1629441]
root@d2645d786f6e:/# zip -rq asf

Ensuite, depuis le host, dans un autre onglet de votre émulateur de terminal favori :

$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
dbd6d39cbdb1        debian:stable       "/bin/bash"         25 minutes ago      Up 25 minutes                           sick_archimedes
$ sudo docker cp sick_archimedes:/ .
$ unzip -t 
    testing: asf/                     OK
    testing: asf/.svn/                OK
    testing: asf/.svn/dir-prop-base   OK
    testing: asf/.svn/props/          OK
    testing: asf/.svn/entries         OK
    testing: asf/.svn/all-wcprops     OK
    testing: asf/.svn/tmp/            OK
    testing: asf/.svn/tmp/props/      OK
    testing: asf/.svn/tmp/prop-base/   OK
    testing: asf/.svn/tmp/text-base/   OK
    testing: asf/.svn/prop-base/      OK
    testing: asf/.svn/prop-base/pom.xml.svn-base   OK
    testing: asf/.svn/prop-base/site-pom.xml.svn-base   OK
    testing: asf/.svn/text-base/      OK
    testing: asf/.svn/text-base/pom.xml.svn-base   OK
    testing: asf/.svn/text-base/site-pom.xml.svn-base   OK
    testing: asf/pom.xml              OK
    testing: asf/site-pom.xml         OK
No errors detected in compressed data of

Et voilà, en à peine quelques minutes, j’ai mon checkout, je jette mon conteneur, et je continue.

Je sais pas vous, mais moi c’est ce genre de petit exemple tout simple qui me place du côté de ceux qui disent que Docker n’est pas une simple nouveauté, mais effectivement une véritable révolution !

Atelier forge à l'AgileTour : préparez vos machines !

Michäel Pailloncy et moi allons animer un atelier lors de l’AgileTour Toulouse 2013, jeudi 10 octobre (cf. les détails de la session). Oui, c’est dans 3 jours :-).

Quelques informations complémentaires si vous prévoyez de venir à cet atelier :

  • sachez qu’il nécessite absolument un ordinateur. Si vous n’en avez pas, libre à vous de venir avec un ami qui en a un, mais ce sera probablement moins intéressant pour vous.
  • vous devrez aussi disposer d’un client Git fonctionnel (nous clonerons un dépôt local fourni sur la clé USB car nous n’aurons pas accès à Internet).
  • la machine devra posséder un JDK en version 7 installé. Nous en fournirons les binaires sur une clé USB, mais vous gagnerez beaucoup de temps si vous n’avez pas à le faire en début de TP.

Cf. aussi le dépôt GitHub suivant et son README

Si vous avez besoin de précisions, n’hésitez pas à me contacter via Twitter ou dans les commentaires de ce billet.

Merci de votre attention, faites passer le message :-).

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